
Dear 2019.

December 29, 2019 / BY Tika
Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay  It has been a pleasure with sporadic sprinkles of pain and sorrow to be with you. When you came, I was eager to make you my year. My soul was full of enthusiasm and excitement to make the most of you. I even bought a planner - all determined to make you as organised as possible. I was also determined to make sure that when you came, every path that I was...

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August 28, 2019 / BY Tika
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay My mother fell asleep in the living room tonight. Usually I would just let her sleep until it's time to wake her up so that she could go to bed. She always has so much to do during the day, so I don't have the heart to disturb her peaceful sleep so soon. But tonight, I felt a bit selfish. I felt like I needed more time with her....

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August 25, 2019 / BY Tika
Credit to Pinterest for the treble clef + piano keys artwork I find the utmost delight in discovering new music, sharing it with other people and receiving suggestions from others. I think I might have annoyed quite a few people when I gave them links to songs that I came across on Spotify. God bless those souls for being patient with me. Since I genuinely enjoy recommending songs, I've decided to write a monthly post...

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August 18, 2019 / BY Tika
Thank you to @soolooka on Instagram for the beautiful and empowering artwork above! Feel free to visit their account for more fascinating art. If I'm being honest, I've always found "self-love" a difficult topic to address. I used to think that preaching about it would make me a hypocrite since finding things that I love about myself was a scrimmage that I couldn't seem to escape from. That's why I truly admire those who can...

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August 01, 2019 / BY Tika
If I thought I knew what exhaustion really means, then I might have to take a step back and re-evaluate. There has been a lot to do these past couple of weeks. I've even developed a more intense love for afternoon naps. Not that it wasn't intense in the first place.  Anyway, I wasn't really sure what to write about for this post. When I started this blog, I made a promise to myself to...

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July 20, 2019 / BY Tika
Frankly, I can count the amount of Korean dramas I have watched by merely using my fingers. My sister has been trying to convince me into watching more of them but it's a futile attempt, I might say. Perhaps the number of episodes that most Korean dramas have and the length of each episode are the things that I find quite unappealing (I mean, I'm an avid fan of The Good Place for God's sake -...

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Back to square one?

July 15, 2019 / BY Tika
The idea of creating a whole new, fresh blog from scratch seemed very exciting. It was definitely one of the things that I had placed at the top of my mental to-do list, but of course - being at the top of the list doesn't always mean it would be the one to be ticked off the list pronto. Sometimes none of the things on the list are ever accomplished. Anyway, after putting off the...

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