
Turning 25: A response to the 20-year-old me

March 02, 2023 / BY Tika
Life truly does unfold in mysterious, sometimes astonishing ways.I didn't expect I would be here typing away for this neglected blog again. My last update was a little over a year ago. I was battling with self-worth issues then- associating my "usefulness" as a human being to a job offer. In hindsight, I don't blame myself for feeling that way, nor do I think it was silly of me to be in that state. I...

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Playlist Dry? Here Are 5 Recommended Artists To Keep Your Playlist Cute and Seasoned.

November 06, 2021 / BY Tika
For a self-proclaimed music enthusiast, I sure have a strong tendency to listen to the same ten songs over and over again. I think it has a lot to do with my fondness towards familiarity. Nonetheless, sometimes I get frustrated knowing that there is plenty of good music out there that I have yet to discover. Hence, I've been trying to squeeze in some time to step out of my little "music bubble". Guess what?...

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The Perfect Next Step

October 31, 2021 / BY Tika
Image by Free-Photos from PixabayI was on Facebook the other day. It's a known fact that Facebook is the place where you can find out that an old acquaintance whom you have lost contact with is now a mother of two; the guy that people used to underestimate in school has built a flourishing career in South Korea. Someone said Facebook and Linkedin give off the same energy- and somehow I think it makes a lot of sense.While I was...

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Dear 2019.

December 29, 2019 / BY Tika
Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay  It has been a pleasure with sporadic sprinkles of pain and sorrow to be with you. When you came, I was eager to make you my year. My soul was full of enthusiasm and excitement to make the most of you. I even bought a planner - all determined to make you as organised as possible. I was also determined to make sure that when you came, every path that I was...

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August 28, 2019 / BY Tika
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay My mother fell asleep in the living room tonight. Usually I would just let her sleep until it's time to wake her up so that she could go to bed. She always has so much to do during the day, so I don't have the heart to disturb her peaceful sleep so soon. But tonight, I felt a bit selfish. I felt like I needed more time with her....

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