Frankly, I can count the amount of Korean dramas I have watched by merely using my fingers. My sister has been trying to convince me into watching more of them but it's a futile attempt, I might say. Perhaps the number of episodes that most Korean dramas have and the length of each episode are the things that I find quite unappealing (I mean, I'm an avid fan of The Good Place for God's sake -...
Back to square one?
July 15, 2019 / BY Tika
The idea of creating a whole new, fresh blog from scratch seemed very exciting. It was definitely one of the things that I had placed at the top of my mental to-do list, but of course - being at the top of the list doesn't always mean it would be the one to be ticked off the list pronto. Sometimes none of the things on the list are ever accomplished. Anyway, after putting off the...